The Mummy Diary- Part 1

The Mummy Diary

As soon as I saw you, I knew a wonderful adventure was about to begin,

I truly believe in love at first sight,

Although, keeping your eyes open can be a fight,

At times, emotions can run high, even the Christmas TV ads can bring a tear to your eye!

And as the saying goes, the days are long but the years are short,

From the very first tooth, to crawling, walking and even talking,

These memories will be cherished forever,

Usually with lots of photo’s shared and liked on social media!

And whilst you stand there proud, the kitchen sparkling, you find a toddler tornado has demolished the lounge!

The terrible two’s, oh where to start!

They do not want a bath, they do not want to get out of the bath, the cup is the wrong colour and god forbid you say no!

And yes, they do all have that moment half way through, when they think about why they are screaming, even they don’t have a clue!

But amongst any frustration, there is so much love and laughter you share,

Because there is no feeling quite like seeing your children laugh and play without a care,

Their smiles are infectious and a hug makes everything better,

And in those precious moments, nothing else in the world could matter,

I love that children can open our eyes, the world to a child is exciting and new,

They help us to see the magic and often give us the flu!

And on that note, I think it’s fair to say,

Happiness is homemade and I would not change a day!  

Chrissie Scriven


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